The Meaning of The Name - REGINA


I’m sure everyone who read this post has their own name or nickname.
My first name is Chinthia, and the middle name is Regina.
At first, I really curious who gave that name for me. Were my parents really creative till they give me those names? What inspired them to give me the name?
So I asked my mom, and here's the story :

Me        : Where did you get inspiration to name me?
Mom     : There is this foreign Doctor who help mom gave birth. The doctor name’s Randy Gonzales. He said that if the born child is a boy, I should name him Randy Gonzales, as his name. But if the born child is a girl, I should name him Regina. As for the Chinthia, your cousin who lived with mom at the moment gave you. (At the moment, my cousin name’s Vonny, and she’s the one who gave me the Chinthia as my first name).
Me        : So, actually you didn’t give me any specific name, did you? I mean, the name from you and dad.
Mom     : Actually, we never even imagined that you will have Indonesian/English name. We just called you with your Chinese name, which is Ing (read: ing), and we didn’t know anything else. Since we’re raised in Chinese traditional way, we thought you would be the same too. After giving sometime, and also reconsider about our past when we had difficult times at school because of our Chinese name in Indonesia (they used to call Chinese people as “tiga huruf” (three letters), since most Chinese named with only three letters), we decided to name you in Indonesian way.

As a Catholic, we believe that the name we gave to our children is our prayer for the children future. For example, if we give the children name “Caecilia” (read: sesilia), we pray that the children will have beautiful voice, and the voice may be use to glorify our God, Jesus Christ, only, as Saint Caecilia who did service with her beautiful voice, and being recognized as our church choir protector.

All this long post might make you wonder, “So, what is the meaning of your name? The prologue took to long to read.”

Chinthia (or with other spelling “Cynthia”) came from Greece, which means “THE MOON”. Regina came from Romania, which means “THE QUEEN”. It’s not actually continued one another, but if we have to pull my name together, it could be “The Queen of the Moon”. In other words, it’s not much different with the shape of my face. Since the moon symbolize the perfect round shape, so do my face, which..... TT___________________________TT

So one day I went to the spiritual bookstore to buy weekly books about daily devotion, I got this beautiful wooden decoration with my name and its meaning on it. I love it to the point I feel grateful about my own name. HAHAHA without realize, I already in front of the cashier, pay for this beauty wooden decoration along with the key chain that has the same text on it. Unfortunately, I didn’t took a photo for the key chain, because I use it for my room key right after I bought it, and it’s worn out already. Not too good to be photographed. HEHEHE

 For You have made him a little lower than the angels. And you have crowned him with glory and honor. (Psalm 8 : 5)

What is the meaning of your name? And where did your parents inspired from?

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