Enjoy your ice cream! Enjoy your life!

For some reason, ice cream is one of my mood booster (except the fact that I have to lick it quickly because it will melt away). I’m quite picky for flavors. My favors are vanilla, and strawberry. I don’t really like chocolate ice cream except its mixed with vanilla. So what? Are we going to talk about ice cream flavor? No.

I read one of the quote in the internet :
Life is like an ice cream. Enjoy it before it melts!

How can we call it “enjoying the moment”?
How is the feeling when we can conclude that “we are enjoying it”?
There is no specific definition of enjoyment, because that’s about how a person feel and that’s personal. No one could describe it. When I say that I enjoy it, I can’t make sure that you enjoy it too even when you were on the same shoes with me.

That’s why I give it a thought. How can I describe my enjoyment?
I like reading, sports, playing Hay Day, skincare haul, beauty talk, take an extreme ride on amusement park, and writing my blog. Is that my enjoyment?
Or is that just.. that?

Enjoy is take delight or pleasure in an activity or occasion, or we could call that we have a pleasant time. From my personal point of view, my enjoyment is when I do something (not limited on what my hobbies are), and my heart flutter because of it. I can't wait for the result, and it makes me anxious. You can call me weirdo, but that's my enjoyment.

I enjoy when I watch a movie or drama, and I anxiously waiting for how the movies gonna end. I enjoy when I take an extreme ride at Dunia Fantasi (amusement park), go to the highest place, see something new, feel something new, tickles on my feet, racing heart, sweat palms, and that feeling when you know that it's dangerous but you want to try anyway.

Like what the quote say, I want to enjoy my life, before it melts away, before the world say that I have no right to live, laugh, and love. I wonder how will I regret later when I didn't take this chances now. I'm the type of person who looks everything as chances, and I don't want to miss it.

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Before I enjoy my life, I have to believe in my own wings. I believe that my own wings can take me to higher places, that even I fall down, torn apart, my wings can support me until the end.

I wish you can look life from the same perspective too (not the exact perspective, but at least try to respect your life by seeing every possible chances as opportunity to build yourself. 

This world is cruel, baby. Don't get lost, or the wild gonna eat you alive.
Every morning is an opportunity, a precious life!

Those two people in the front are my cousin (right) and his wife (left). THANK YOU FOR THE ICE CREAM TREAT!

Enjoy your ice cream! Enjoy your life!

Until next time,

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