back, finally!
these past 2 months, I can say, the worst blogging time for me. I could barely
touch my mail and my blog. I can just occasionally
reply the email from reader, and wrote drafts or idea for blog. But what I
regret is I don’t have any much time to write any, even with all the photos
were ready. Thank you for keep coming back to my blog to recheck if there’s any
new post, I’ll try to update as many as I can, for what I did in past 2 months.
Akhirnya balik jg gw sama post baru.
2 bulan terakhir bener-bener vakum bgt gw nge-blog. Boro-boro dah mo ngepost, buka email aja susah beudd. Paling cuman sesekali balesin email dari temen-temen pembaca yang minta saran ato tulis-tulis ide buat blog. Tapi apa daya, semua hanya terdampar di folder Draft saja. Sorry bangett! Makasi buat beberapa temen yang tetap stay tuned, ngecek kalo gw ngepost ato gak. Ke depannya bakal lebih update lagi, walopun ada ato gak yg baca. Hahaha
time, I have some tips for all girls out there who usually feel excessive
desire to try products as many as they can, whenever they visit the beauty
counter. We all do want it all, but there are some limitations in what we could
buy, such as :
1. Is it suitable with my skin type/color?
2. It won’t effect me breakouts, right?
3. What if I can’t use it often? It’s a waste of money too, right?
4. Is it important for my skin needs?
5. Is it affordable? I still have another necessity to buy, tho.
6. What if I look weird?
7. And another “what if...” questions in our head.
1. Is it suitable with my skin type/color?
2. It won’t effect me breakouts, right?
3. What if I can’t use it often? It’s a waste of money too, right?
4. Is it important for my skin needs?
5. Is it affordable? I still have another necessity to buy, tho.
6. What if I look weird?
7. And another “what if...” questions in our head.
Kali ini gw bakal kasi tips buat cewek-cewek yang biasanya obsesif banget pengen cobain smua produk make up yang biasanya ada di counter-counter. Bisa aja sih kita langsung keluar kocek buat beli, tapi kan kita mikir juga nih kemungkinannya, misalnya :
1. Cocok gak ya buat tipe ato warna kulit gw?
2. Ga bakalan bikin jerawatan kan?
3. Gimana kalo akhirnya gw jarang pake? Sayang duitnya juga..
4. Penting ga ya buat kebutuhan kulit gw?
5. Dompet gw mampu ga buat beli? Masih ada keperluan penting lain soalnya..
6. Di iklan artisnya sih keliatan cakepp, tapi kalo keliatan aneh di gw gimana?
7. Dan "gimana jika..." lain-lainnya..
And so, after long debates,
we can still buy the products if we see it ourselves that the product is a good
pair for us (our skin). When our friends buy the product, we can’t really sure
that the color or the type is as suitable as ours. So, another opt we go for :
Lemme’ just try it myself!
Akhirnya, kita bakal lebih percaya diri kalo beli produk yang udah kita buktiin sendiri kalo produk itu cocok sama kulit kita. Cocok pas dipake temen, belum tentu cocok dikita juga kan? Pilihan terakhirnya : OK, sini gw coba!
Most beauty counter prepared
tons of ‘try me products’. They provide the ‘try me products’ to boost up their
sales, so you don’t have to feel like you committed a sin if you’re the only one
who try their products. Ask their beauty consultant for what you need and tell
them what your skin type is (especially when you have many concerns, like acne
prone skin or sensitive skin).
Kebanyakan dari counter kecantikan gitu, mereka udah siapin testernya buat meningkatkan penjualan. Jadi temen-temen ga perlu merasa berdosa tingkat neraka karena udah nyobain banyak produk mereka. Tohh namanya juga milih buat nyocokin.. Kecuali kamu pada mo cobain lipstik mereka karena pas kebetulan ke mall tapi lupa pake lipstik. Hahaha behave yah kawan! Tanyain ke konsultan kecantikan di counter itu, cerita ke mereka tentang kebutuhan kulitmu, tipe kulitmu, terutama kalo kamu punya banyak masalah, misalnya gampang jerawatan ato kulit sensitif.
I'm sure that most of you already read lots of articles talking about how danger it is to try products at beauty counter. Well, we can't say it's wrong. Since you don't know how many people try / share the same product with you, you (neither the beauty counter staffs) can't guarantee that all their 'try me products' are safe or free from bacterias. But what if you're in a position where you have to try those products?
Gw yakin banyak dari kalian yang sering baca artikel tentang seberapa bahayanya cobain produk di counter kecantikan. Bahkan akhir-akhir banyak beredar di Facebook berita tentang si cewek bisa lumpuh hanya karena pinjemin alat make up ke temennya. Kita kan ga tau tuh berapa banyak orang yang cobain produk itu, bahkan staf di counter itu juga ga bakalan menjamin kalo testernya bener-bener bersih. Tapi gimana kalo kamu lagi di posisi yang mengharuskan kamu buat nyobain produknya?
From eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow, and eyeshadow, we all wanna try it. But if we're not careful, there might be bacterias in the brush or in the powder that unseen. I mean, INVISIBLE! Now, what to do? Here's few tips I've got from many internet articles, asking few cosmetic-junkies-friends, and experience it myself :
Dari eyeliner, maskara, alis, sampe eyeshadow, pengen dicobain sama kita. Tapi kalo kita ga hati-hati, bakteri yang ada di kuas ato di produknya ga keliatan loh. Setelah tanya-tanya sana sini dan berdasarkan pengalaman gw sendiri, akhirnya gw kasi tips ini :
1. Eyeliner / Eyebrow / Lip Pencil : it applies for all type of applicator, either pencil / stick type, brush type, or liquid type. Usually, we would like to check the color, or the color density when we applied it into our skin. Noticeable or visible color is the one we usually aim for. For eyebrow, put the product nearby your hair and choose the product that is one level lighter than your hair color. Don't apply it directly to your eyes, instead, use the back of your hand to swatch it out. If possible, you can form/pull out the product until untouched part coming out before using it, but don't break the products, coz' they'll told you to pay for it. They work the same!
1. Eyeliner / Eyebrow / Pensil bibir : bisa digunakan utnuk semua tipe pengaplikasian, baik itu bentuknya pensil ato stik, kuas, atopun cair. Biasanya kita mo ngecek kepadatan warnanya pas dipake ke kulit. Yang paling kita cari itu warna yang benar-benar padat dan keliatan. Untuk alis, deketi produknya ke rambut dan pilih warna yang satu tingkat lebih cerah daripada warna rambutmu. Jangan langsung dipakein ke mata, tapi sapukan ke punggung tangan dulu. Jika memungkinkan, gunakan bagian yang gak tersentuh, misalnya dengan meraut ujung pensil. Tapi jangan rusakin ya kalo ga mau disuru ganti rugi. Hehehe
2. Mascara : we usually wants to know the volume or length effect after we applied mascara. Use your arm's hair to know it, more than enough.
2. Maskara : kita pengen liat efek mengembang ato tidaknya di bulu mata. Gimana caranya? Gunakan bulu lengan kita aja, dan liat hasilnya.
3. Eyeshadow / Compact Powder / Concealer / Blush : it also applies for all makeup products that has powder / solid / compact or creamy type/texture (another example is blush, compact powder/foundation, or concealer). Ask for tissues (or use your clean tissues) to wipe off the very upper products that others might used. And only after that you can try the product. Another tip, if you want to try the concealer, you can use your back hand and see if the concealer work on your hand pores or if you have dark spots or vein marks.
3. Eyeshadow / Bedak Padat / Concealer / Blush : tips ini bisa diaplikasikan ke semua produk padat kayak bedak, ato concealer yang krim. Minta tisu (ato pake tisumu sendiri) buat lap bagian permukaan dari produknya. Abis itu baru pake. Buat concealer, bisa juga kamu cobain ke tangan kamu. Misalnya kamu liat apa produknya bisa nutupi tanda urat mu, ato noda hitam di tangan mu.
4. Lipstick / Lip Gloss : you can use a clean tissue to wipe of the upper part of the lipstick applicator, or for lip gloss type applicator, you can ask for alcohol at the beauty counter (they often prepare alcohol), pour one/two drops at cotton pad or cotton bud, and wipe it on your lips. Only after that you can try the product.
3. Eyeshadow / Bedak Padat / Concealer / Blush : tips ini bisa diaplikasikan ke semua produk padat kayak bedak, ato concealer yang krim. Minta tisu (ato pake tisumu sendiri) buat lap bagian permukaan dari produknya. Abis itu baru pake. Buat concealer, bisa juga kamu cobain ke tangan kamu. Misalnya kamu liat apa produknya bisa nutupi tanda urat mu, ato noda hitam di tangan mu.
4. Lipstick / Lip Gloss : you can use a clean tissue to wipe of the upper part of the lipstick applicator, or for lip gloss type applicator, you can ask for alcohol at the beauty counter (they often prepare alcohol), pour one/two drops at cotton pad or cotton bud, and wipe it on your lips. Only after that you can try the product.
4. Lipstik / Lip Gloss : kamu bisa gunakan tisu bersih buat lap permukaan lipstik nya sebelum digunakan. Untuk lip gloss yang ada kuasnya, coba tanyakan ketersediaan alkohol di counter itu. Kalo ada, tuangkan 1-2 tetes ke kapas dan sapukan ke atas bibir sebelum dicoba lip gloss nya.
Additional Tips :
- It's better to try product in a tube or pump, or products that could be used by using cotton pad or by pouring to hand.
- Wash your hands after trying all those products. And for the good sake of people who will try the products after you, also better if you wash your hands before trying the products.
- Use only disposable cotton bud/pad.
- If you decided to buy the products, make sure they give you the new one. There are many ways to know if the products are new or not.
- No matter what, avoid direct application to your face.
Tips tambahan :
- Lebih baik cobain produk yang bentuknya tabung yang harus dituangkan ke tangan, ato yang bisa didapat dengan cara pompa.
- Bersihkan tangan mu setelah mencoba semua produk tersebut. Lebih baik lagi, cuci tangan bahkan sebelum gunakan produknya, biar orang berikut yang akan mencoba akan merasakan dampak kebersihannya.
- Gunakan kapas sekali buang.
- Kalo kamu jadi beli produknya, pastikan karyawan nya mengambil produk yang baru, dan bukannya bekas ato ada tanda penggunaan sebelumnya.
- Apapun yang terjadi, sebaiknya hindari penggunaan langsung ke wajah.
So, that's all for my tips. If you have any other tips that I missed, please leave comment. I'd like to know more. Thank you for reading, I hope you find it useful and see you in my next post.
Itu dulu tips dari gw. Kalo ada tips lain yang gw belum tulis, bisa di share di komen yah, gw juga pengen tau lebih banyak lagi. Makasii buat yang udah baca, gw harap bisa berguna dan sampai jumpa di post berikutnya.
With L.O.V.E,
kadang agak sulit menentukan merk serta yang pas dengan jenis kulit kita.