[REVIEW] Hada Labo Goku-jyun Ultimate Moisturizing Milk


Just like how I review the Hada Labo Goku-jyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion here, next product I should introduce is the Ultimate Moisturizing Milk, which is the ideal next step after using the Lotion / Light Lotion. At the video in my previous Hada Labo Goku-jyun Moisturizing Lotion, the beauty consultant taught us that the Lotion help the next product to absorb perfectly into the skin.

If you curious about the differentiation, function in detail, and such introduction, please head on my previous post here. To get the full size photo of the product, please click on the photo. And now, we'll see how's the Milk goes..


Because I haven't post any in my blog for this past weeks, I'm so late to update the new coupon codes for my lovable WISHTREND online shop. This May, they introduce us the BLOOM INTO SPRING.

Here's the monthly promotion you can use when you shop online :

1. The 10% Discount Coupon for May

You will find the coupon code to be used when checking-out while shopping at Wishtrend along with the requirement conditions needed to use this coupon code :

  • Coupon Code : WISHMAY2015
  • Requirement 1 : Shopping cart order must be $55 and over to be able to use the 10% off coupon.
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  • Only valid until the end of May 2015.
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When you use the below voucher at the end of your order, you will receive 1 FREE Berrisom Animal Mask Sheet! It's fun and moisturizing mask with 100% organic cotton.
  • Voucher code : WISHGIFTMAY2015
  • Until the end of May 2015

P.S. :
Wishtrend also provide Free Shipping Zone. If you purchases just one single item from the Free Shipping Zone, you will receive free shipping on your entire order! Even if that order contains items that are not from the Free Shipping Zone.

Until next time,

[TIPS] Mencoba Kosmetik dengan Aman di Toko Kosmetik (Trying Beauty Products Safely at Beauty Counter)

Am back, finally!
For these past 2 months, I can say, the worst blogging time for me. I could barely touch my mail and my blog. I can just occasionally reply the email from reader, and wrote drafts or idea for blog. But what I regret is I don’t have any much time to write any, even with all the photos were ready. Thank you for keep coming back to my blog to recheck if there’s any new post, I’ll try to update as many as I can, for what I did in past 2 months.

Akhirnya balik jg gw sama post baru.
2 bulan terakhir bener-bener vakum bgt gw nge-blog. Boro-boro dah mo ngepost, buka email aja susah beudd. Paling cuman sesekali balesin email dari temen-temen pembaca yang minta saran ato tulis-tulis ide buat blog. Tapi apa daya, semua hanya terdampar di folder Draft saja. Sorry bangett! Makasi buat beberapa temen yang tetap stay tuned, ngecek kalo gw ngepost ato gak. Ke depannya bakal lebih update lagi, walopun ada ato gak yg baca. Hahaha

This time, I have some tips for all girls out there who usually feel excessive desire to try products as many as they can, whenever they visit the beauty counter. We all do want it all, but there are some limitations in what we could buy, such as :
1. Is it suitable with my skin type/color?
2. It won’t effect me breakouts, right?
3. What if I can’t use it often? It’s a waste of money too, right?
4. Is it important for my skin needs?
5. Is it affordable? I still have another necessity to buy, tho.
6. What if I look weird?
7. And another “what if...” questions in our head.

Kali ini gw bakal kasi tips buat cewek-cewek yang biasanya obsesif banget pengen cobain smua produk make up yang biasanya ada di counter-counter. Bisa aja sih kita langsung keluar kocek buat beli, tapi kan kita mikir juga nih kemungkinannya, misalnya :
1. Cocok gak ya buat tipe ato warna kulit gw?
2. Ga bakalan bikin jerawatan kan?
3. Gimana kalo akhirnya gw jarang pake? Sayang duitnya juga..
4. Penting ga ya buat kebutuhan kulit gw?
5. Dompet gw mampu ga buat beli? Masih ada keperluan penting lain soalnya..
6. Di iklan artisnya sih keliatan cakepp, tapi kalo keliatan aneh di gw gimana?
7. Dan "gimana jika..." lain-lainnya..

And so, after long debates, we can still buy the products if we see it ourselves that the product is a good pair for us (our skin). When our friends buy the product, we can’t really sure that the color or the type is as suitable as ours. So, another opt we go for : Lemme’ just try it myself!

Akhirnya, kita bakal lebih percaya diri kalo beli produk yang udah kita buktiin sendiri kalo produk itu cocok sama kulit kita. Cocok pas dipake temen, belum tentu cocok dikita juga kan? Pilihan terakhirnya : OK, sini gw coba!